Monday, June 18, 2007


We were so thrilled to get to see this giraff up close and personal. It was so much bigger than anything we had seen in the zoo.

The preservce we visited had a protected place for chimpanzees that had been orphaned or mistreated. They were amazing. This is a program that Jane Goodall started years ago.

We went past the equator. We got to see a science experiment in which water drains to the right or left depending on what side of the equator you are on. At the point of the equator, the water drains straight down. It was cool.
We had a good time on the safari. It was wonderful to see the natural beauty of Kenya. Tomorrow Pastor Carl speaks to leaders from 10-1. I know they will be blessed.
Keep praying!!!!! We love and miss you guys.


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had fun! The water thing sounds neat. Andrew and I hope to come to Africa on a future trip and minister. What does the land and scneray look like when you aren't in the heart of the village or city? What is the climate like? Hot? Cold? Can't wait to read and hear more! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Oh and can you sneak that cute little girl in one of Pastor Carl's bags and bring her back here? Her eyes DO melt your heart.

Angela Lucas said...

The pictures are fantastic, it lokks like you had a great time on the safari. I know you have lots more pics, perhaps when you come home we can have a special service to watch a slide show of everything. Having the blog is great though because we feel like we are right there with you. I check it several times a day. We are with you in spirit though and are continuing to pray for you and the work God is doing through you.
Be blessed today.
Love ya, Angela

Anonymous said...

Theresa great job with the pictures! Keep them coming. Tell Pastor call Happy be-lated Fathers Day we missed him Sunday But Adam did a great job. Connie we danced on Sunday and thought of you. Praying for you all. Love Julia

Anonymous said...

I love you all....Have fun