Monday, July 23, 2007

Ways To Help The People Of Kamaguta

As we went to Africa, we knew as our trip unfolded that God would tell us what he wants us to do in Kenya. These people do not want a hand out but are soooo hungry for that same life changing Word that we enjoy on a daily basis. The pastors need someone who has gone before them to share insight, revelation and practical advise about what is means to pastor the body of Christ. Getting them Word and training and resources will not only help them but as they are poured into and then begin to pour out, they will help the body be the body and function as God intends it to.
Bibles!!!!!! Something so simply and so taken for granted are very hard to come by in Kenya. This is an easy problem to solve. For $7.00 we can get a Bible in the hands of someone who wants one and has never had one.
Clean Water!!!!! The same river they get their drinking water from is the same one they wash their clothes and even bikes in. School children carry water long distances to have water to clean their school with. Clean accessible water would reduce sickness and disease and make the lives of the whole community better. I have heard before, people don't care what you know until they know that you care. What better way to care but to give them clean drinking water.
School Supplies!!!!!! The government provides one school book for every four students. They don't have supplies they need. Paper, pencils, colored pencils. Some young children don't even know what crayons are. Simple supplies can enrich their learning. Many children attend school without anything to eat all day. At least if they have supplies, their money could be used to buy rice and beans.
Uniforms!!!!!! The children must wear uniforms to school. Many of the children have them on but they are in terrible repair. We are working now to get prices for uniforms for children that need them.
Supplies for young ladies!!!!! Many young girls miss a week of shcool a month due to their period. Some end up quitting school due to getting behind. Many who try to stay in school resort to using rags that must be washed or boiled to get clean. For $7.00 a year we can provide a young girl pads and two pair of panties.
These are just a few ways that you can help. In the United States we sometimes tend to equate poverty with laziness. That is not true in Kenya. These are very, very hard working people. We saw women doing heavy labor that most of the men in our country would not even do. They are in a place where the average per capita income is $300.00 per year. Things are less expensive but not cheap enough for $300.00 to last a year. They enjoy life without TV, and electricity, and indoor plumbing. Their life is not worse than ours, just different. In some ways, it is better. They have less distractions and complications. The people of Kamaguta center their lives around their church, their family, and their community. I was told that companies like to hire people from this area because they have a good work ethic.
When I was in Kenya my conversation with God was "God what do you want me to do"? I had someone tell me one time that just doing what God wants you to do today was being in His will. If each of us would just do what God wants us do, every need locally and internationally would be met. I suppose that is the body of Christ doing what it was designed to do.
Be Blessed!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for taking the time to let us see into the lives of our brothers & sisters in Kenya. I am excited that we have this great opportunity to help. God bless, Sheri R.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Teresa,

I enjoyed the video you and Hannah put together and the pictures posted on the blog. I am glad you made the comment that poverty is not always a laziness issue. Most often it is the hard working business men/women who worked hard from the ground up who make those statements. I believe it is bitterness that they worked so hard and believe no one gave them nothing and they feel no sympathy for others because they believe they should be able to do the same. These same people often time forget or sadly never knew that someone has given them something, GOD! God has given all of us a vision and a plan commonly called his will and purpose, without it we would be just here... basically taking up space. It is usually economic and demographic issues that stunt the growth of the community creating poverty in the way most people are not aware of. It is not up to us to decide who deserves what or why someone is in the bind they are in. Our duties as Christians is to serve God and to treat others in a Godly manner. There are many ways we can help someone, such as a kind word, a smile, a hug, a good deed, and most important prayers. We have to remember for it to count it has got to come from the heart. Some charity you may see the results and feel good you were able to help and some results you may never see or know but it doesn't mean it is void. I am happy to be given the opportunity to help someone who I have never met. I am trusting God and not using my own judgement to decide who needs what.


Teoka Bowden