This is the front of the church. If you look closely you can see Pastor Carl with his arm outsretched. Connie is beside him.
If this child's eyes don't melt your heart, nothing will. Isn't she precious!!!
This is the inside of our hotel room. You can see the bed with the netting to protect us from insects.
I got a message from Mrs. Amanda that the childrens church kids would see the blog today. Pastor Carl, Connie and myself (Teresa) want to say a special hello and we love you. Please keep praying for the people here to receive the Word God has for them. They lack so many things that we take for granted. The village we minister in has no electricity, no running water, and the people are very poor. Even with their best clothes on for Sunday many still had old mismatched clothes and most were with out shoes. They still run and play and sing and praise God just like we do. There are some things that are the same everywhere.
God is awesome!!!! We are praying for the services today!!!!! More pictures soon!!!!
Adam had an awesome message this morning! Andrew and I are continually praying for you guys and miss you! I love to see all the pictures and hope there are more to come. I'm excited to hear about the trip when you all return. I love you guys and hope God's blessings continue to pour out to Kenya!
Words can't express what i feel when i see the pictures of the people God has sent you (us) to minister to. I am so excited about what God is doing. The best is yet to come. Continue to bring hope to the hurting. PS keep the pixs coming.
Love & prayers, Sheri R.
We have been praying exactly what you have asked - that the people will receive and that the Lord will remove any blockages and cut thru and dispell the lies the enemy has planted in the hearts and minds of His people. We also pray that the sharp sword of His Word and Spirit will slice right thru the hardness, the lies of the enemy, etc. and hit it's target.
Hey guys! Carl, I didn't get to tell you Happy Father's Day this morning on the phone. I love you and want you to know that I am so very proud to be able to call you Dad. You are an amazing father. I am so blessed to be a part of your family.
I love you all and can't wait to see you!
Hey mom, Connie and Pastor Carl how are you doing tonight. Mom the Craft went good and amanda ended up being there!!! Love you all.
Hey you guys. I hope you are doing well in Africa, it looks like it!! The children pictures are a blessing, it makes me appreciate all I have and all God has done for me. Adam has done a great job this Sunday preaching! I'm with Hannah, I miss Teresa and Connie but not Carl!! Haha just kiddin! I miss and love you all.
Love, Erin
WE had great worhsip with the sweetest spirit this morning and tonight. Adam's message was touching and made our baby jump. Please tell our spiritual daddy 'Happy Father's Day'!
Shawn and Michelle
I am praying for all of you! I have enjoyed seeing and hearing about all that God's doing in Kenya. Please continue to take pictures!! God delivered a message of "hope" for us as well this morning about speaking to our storms and calling things forth before we see it in the natural realm. It was so encouraging!!!
I love ya'll!
Julie P.
Hey Everyone, I hope the trip is going well and that ya'll are being blessed tremendously. I miss you even though you are where God wants you to be. Preacher Carl, personal message to you: I hope you had an awesome Fathers Day, I missed spending time with you today. It blesses my heart to know you are becoming a spiritual Father to so many others. Can't wait for ya'll to return. Daniel says hello and have you found out anything about the dijjery-doo? Love ya, your other daughter Courtney.
I miss you guys so much! Thank you Teresa for all the documentation of this incredable journy.I am so excited for all that God is setting in motion. I can just love all on those little ones. Their eyes are so full of emotion.I'm praying for you!Know that my heart is there with you. Much Love,
You write very well.
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