Dear Teresa
I salute you in Jesus Name, I believe that you are doing very well andall God's blessings are upon you all.Here in Kenya and especiallyKamaguta-Murang'a things are not so bad the grace and love from the Lord arestill upon us , we are praising His Holy name for His goodness and care. May His name be glorified. My family and the Church are also fine in theLord.Our youngest son Carlmats is doing very well,Mark and Mirriam are stillproceeding well in their education. We are still waiting to hear from you concerning the next year 2008meetings.This coming Sunday all churches will meet together in theafternoon to start praying for the mission,it is good to know from you allrequired information you need from us, I know and I'm trusting God forgreat things during the mission. What I 'm looking for is to see transformation of our people andespecially our children. I believe if we can reach children, it is veryeasier to touch their parents and then the whole community,and that iswhy though our Project (First Love Care Project) we have been holding aSaturday Club every second week of the month and more than 100 childrenhave been attending and 30 to 50 adults.This have been a very effectivestrategy to Winn souls to Christ,in every meeting we have to preach theword of God, teach them how God loves them,sometime we have to teachthem through Pastor Carl's Cds and others.The Church through the Projecthave been providing lunch for the day and some other items i.e soup,cooking oil,flour,beans and sometime clothes (children and aged people )to those who are very needy. I always give thanks to God for that vision He gave me for ourcommunity.Pastor Carl taught us that the pastor is the answer to thepeople he is looking/leading for,so I 'm glad to know that God is goingto use me as the way He used Moses of the bible.My greatest joy is that Pastor Carl's vision is like the one I have.The 8 days I spend with him(Carl) I leaned so many things and I came to realize that our connectionis not in vain,it is divine connection from above.Let us continuepraying for each other and mostly our Ministries.
Teresa, there is one thing I would like to share with you,this is myfamily issue.I and my family for more than 15 years we have been askingGod to give us money to finish our living house(you can remember how itlook like).Since we started the church it has been our prayers to havesomebody who can come and join us to pray for our community and showGod's love to our people.Now the following is the testimonies of whatGod has done to us after Pastor Carl 's prayers and visit.
( 1) You left here in the month of June. Sister Teresa believe me,by theMonth of July I receive a call from one of my friend of Finland and sheinformed me that she want to send me some money to complete my house,shewanted my details,after one week I received 1000 euros( Ksh.82,300) fromher, now I have finished my house,I didn't request her for the money,shetold me that God told her to give the money to our family for thehouse.The prayers pastor Carl prayed was answered.GIVE ALL THE GLORY TOGOD,WORSHIP HIM FOR THE MIRACLE.(Inform Pastor Carl all these miracles)
( 2) Remember the prayers which pastor Carl prayed for our land ofKamaguta and the community.Something is happened.More shops are now openedin the plot,no crime is reported since the prayers of pastor Carl, we haveone butchery after 20 or 30 years,people are witnessing that after theprayers allot of chaches are note-able.
(3) Because of Pastor Carl and the First lady Connie's testimony how theywere abused,I have a case of two brethren a man and 1 lady.They are bothborn again I'm their spiritual father,the man was left by his wife for 20years ago and the time we tried to join them together the parents of thewife refused until it became a police case,the lady has got 5 childrenand she was abused so much,the children are not of one father, so the husband used to torture her even before her children,so the lady decidedto go and life with her parent for about 4 years now .I praise God forHe has been helping me and my wife to help them.Now the two are in lovethey want to get married,something I 'm praying to God to do His will .Tous is a miracle because the two have been very faithful in the Church andthey always recall pastor Carl and the first lady's life testimony andhow they became one.
Teresa, I have allot to tell you,you hearts are with us here,we arepraying for you,we love you so much.Let pastor Carl and the First ladyConnie knows that I 'm not a shame to call them my spiritual DAD andMUM, I 'm missing them together with you,but I praise God for His graceand care, one day we shall meet and celebrate HIS love together.
God bless you.Pass my love to all .
Pastor Stephen Kamau.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
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